Hello, world!

I'm full of enthusiasm and passion graduate at the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Currently, I'm active student at Front-End Developer Bootcamp, devoted to shift my career to the Software development world. Eagerly looking for an opportunity to prove my skills as a Junior Front-End Developer.


Taking part in three months, full-time, Front-End Developer Bootcamp, which covers essential topics for Junior Software Developer.
Main technologies I managed to learn: HTML, CSS / Sass, JavaScript / TypeScript, React / Redux, Jest, Cypress, Firebase, Git, Rest Api, HTTP, Scrum.


  • UI / UX: HTML 5, CSS 3, Sass, Styled-Components
  • Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Version control system: Git, GitHub
  • Front-end frameworks: React.js:
    ◦ Redux
    ◦ React Router
    ◦ React Hooks
  • Testing: Jest, Cypress
  • Application development platform: Firebase:
    ◦ Cloud Firestore
    ◦ Authentication
    ◦ Hosting
  • JavaScript: EcmaScript 6+
  • Methodologies: Scrum


  • Polish - native
  • English – C1


Fascinated by the human mind and the way each of us perceives and understands the world, I also decided to broaden my knowledge at the Faculty of Social Psychology at the SWPS University in Sopot in my free time.

Project 1

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Project 2

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Project 3

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Homework 1

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Homework 2

WIP: description

Contact: linkedin GitHub